Farewell Freshman Year

This creative writing semester was fun and I will hopefully continue writing on this blog (more often.) I think making a hobby out of writing online will be a great thing to do. Farewell, for now!

Dancing Dolls

Dolls dancing through a beautiful mansion Perfect hair with bouncing curls. Tea parties every day sat around a table with stuffed companions. One can only wonder where this all came to be, Born into a universe controlled by a 5-year-old captor. Elizabeth means no harm; she just plays in a doll house with her porcelain best... Continue Reading →

Do you suppose…

Do you suppose that our life is just a froze? We arise from from chaos now it just blows. We are enclosed in a repeating time never to be disposed. If we compose our lives won't be just for show.

Stay Alive

April used to run through the dancing grass fields. April used to joke with her father at dinner. April used to be happy. It wasn't until this year she stayed in her dim room on a sunny day and sat silently at the dinner table. It's just puberty, her dad thought, she'll grow out of... Continue Reading →

Hakuna Matata

Why don’t more people go by the phrase ‘Hakuna Matata?’ Maybe it is because more want to abide by society's standards. They dress to impress, they aren't themselves, they are what everyone wants and aren’t unique in the slightest. Instead of trying to be society's standards, why doesn't anyone drop their worries and just live... Continue Reading →

Won the World, Lost the Girl

Inspired by fiction piece: Won the world, lost the girl. She was just a small town girl living in her own world. Quiet but confident they say. Growing up, she always wanted to be a princess. She dressed in pink sequin dresses, heels that were to big for her feet, and her signature tiara lopsided on her... Continue Reading →

Forgotten Memories

  Even in the memories you remember the least, you can still get a sense of emotion just by being reminded of it. In a picture, in front of an endless ocean, stands two girls; both smiling, and having fun. From a time before time began, they had no true responsibility, no worries, just to... Continue Reading →


A secret that is made, is a secret that must be kept. For if anyone were to to break this promise, they must be broken. As for they violated a rule of life; a rule of trust. One who cannot be trusted shall not go unpunished.

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