
I would like to welcome you to my blog that I call the random space! I will just be writing about random things that come into my head and hope it is good. Hey, while you're here why don't you give me a follow?

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Let Go

Darling, fall back. A whirlwind of peace awaits. When you let go, you will see. The world beneath will never rest. Take a walk into that Golden Gate Darling, fall back. Quiet lands of fir trees and open fields leave you blessed for your beautiful crown does not wait. When you let go, you will... Continue Reading →


At some point or another, everyone may Believe there is something different about them. Quite Commonly people believe they look Different than Everyone else. Maybe they have more supposed Flaws than their peers, or how their personality has Gone differently than How it used to be. It can be Just how they view life in... Continue Reading →

The Cat on the Tree

Once there was a cat on a tree who always thought he was free, but the owner said "Come sit in my bed, little cat, you're only for me." Photo source: Chat au Clair de Lune, c.1900 by Theophile-Alexandre Steilen  

A Novel Excerpt

Here is a preview of the novel that I have been working on for NaNoWriMo. Soon I plan to move the book to Wattpad and publish it there!   Chapter 11: June Something about my body feels off. My fingers do not feel like they are my own because I cannot feel them. My breaths... Continue Reading →

NaNoWriMo 2018!!!

I'm so excited for November, as I will be writing my first ever COMPLETE novel on the NaNoWriMo young writers program! The novel will possibly be about the afterlife. An interesting fantasy will be posted later!!

New World

  Alex (son, 16)- Ever since his dad died when Alex was 8, his mom has been an depressed alcoholic. Alex and his mother fight often because of her excessive drinking and failure to parent. Alex finally decides it's time he take matter into their own hands and leave. Mom (40)- To cope with the... Continue Reading →


When she was young, she was told the way she felt was wrong. That it is gross and weird to feel that way. She didn't understand why. Why is it wrong to feel that way? At the time, she was too young to realize or understand that these things she was being told would affect... Continue Reading →

A Different Friendship

You have no feeling besides happiness. Not just happy but truly HAPPY, a feeling you haven't felt in a while. You’ve spent today doing nothing but laughing with your friend, sharing anecdotes about your crazy, silly family. Together you gushed about your favorite people in pop culture and obsessed about your new favorite songs. What... Continue Reading →

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